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Vermont Adult Learning

Vermont Adult Learning


Vermont Adult Learning

77 College Street
Burlington , VT 05401 | map | directions
(802) 734-0031 | fax: (802) 846-7228
Connect With Us

Vermont Adult Learning works for the day when all Vermonters are prosperous and have the life skills and knowledge to achieve success in their careers, family, and community. Further, we envision Vermont Adult Learning as a leader in education and training for those 16 years and older, and as a key resource in helping Vermonters to be successful in achieving their goals.

Vermont Adult Learning’s mission is to create an innovative, inclusive, and equitable learning environment that provides personalized opportunities for education and career development for Vermont residents by building relationships, strengthening communities, and fostering lifelong learning.

Vermont Adult Learning was established in 1980 as the Vermont Institute for Self-Reliance (VISR), providing Adult Basic Education via correspondence courses.  VISR expanded services to include in-home tutors, video courses and GED testing.  VISR expanded to serve seven (7) of Vermont’s fourteen (14) counties, via a Vermont Agency of Education Grant.  We serve the state’s most populous regions, covering the following counties:   Franklin, Grand Isle, Chittenden, Addison, Rutland, Windsor and Windham.

VISR changed its name to Vermont Adult Learning in 1996.  We host learning centers across Vermont, providing a safe, comfortable, professional and supportive place for adult students, ages 16 and older, to learn the skills and knowledge they need to prosper in 21st-century Vermont.

Member Since: 2024
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