You don't want to miss this important opportunity to network and hear from leaders in our state. We'll kick off the evening with structured networking in which Senators from our region are rotated through tables comprised of employers with similar concerns and policy areas. Upon rotation of Senators through every table, we'll break out into informal networking.
Senators confirmed in attendance;
- Senator Phil Baruth - Senate President Pro Tempore
- Senator Ginny Lyons - Chair, Senate Health and Welfare
- Senator Dick Mazza - Chair, Senate Transportation; Member of Committee on Committees
- Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale - incoming Chair, Senate Economic Development, Housing, and General Affairs (tentative)
- Senator Thomas Chittenden
- Senator-elect Martine Larocque Gulick
- Senator-elect Irene Wrenner
- this list will be updated with additional confirmations
Space is limited, so be sure to register soon.
Thank you to the evening's sponsor, AT&T, for supporting this opportunity to connect our members and region's leaders.